E-bike hire

Nemo Point has been a competent point of reference for e-bike hire since the very beginning of the e-bike boom. Our alpine landscape requires top notch e-bikes with big batteries and excellent brakes. That’s exactly what we offer. In addition we provide information with regards to routes, huts and view points from our own guided tours.

Our e-bikes are usually from the German brand HAIBIKE with a 625 watt-hour battery, excellent motors and components, Each guided tour in the Salzkammergut region can be enjoyed safely and comfortably.

Prices for hiring
incl. tax and insurance
Logo Haibike
Hardtail Fully
1 day EUR 54,- EUR 75,-
2 days EUR 102,- EUR 135,-
6 days EUR 245,- EUR 328,-

A wheellock and an emergency repair kit is distributed to each group, who rents a bike. Suitable clothing and equipment is the responsibility of each participant. Helmets can be hired for 6 EUR a day. All inquiries minimum 1 day in advance.

Non committal request

E-Bike hire

    Bevorzugte Sprache

    Gewünschter Leihtermin - Verleih ist nur ganztags möglich

    Anzahl Personen Hardtail

    Anzahl Personen Fully

    Die Anfrage ist unverbindlich und stellt keine Buchung oder Reservierung dar. Eine verbindliche Reservierung erfolgt erst durch die schriftliche Bestätigung.